Sedation Dentistry

A man is sleeping in a bed with striped sheets and pillows.

Oral sedation agents can be used the night before and the day of your dental surgery in order to make sure you are the most comfortable possible in the chair. Oral sedation can be used in patients who are afraid of needles. Using oral sedation you can take certain medications by mouth and achieve a certain level of comfort.

​Benzodiazepines: These medications act on the same receptor as alcohol in order to depress the brain function and cause you to completely relax during a dental procedure. You will not remember a thing after you are given this medication. It is a common agent for oral and even intravenous sedation.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

Intravenous Sedation Dentistry

Intravenous sedation is the most powerful and accurate method to make sure that a person is completely sedated. Due to the oral sedation absorption process across the stomach and gut there can be issues predicting concentrations of medications in the body. Using intravenous sedation you can safely sedate someone and make sure they are relaxed for their procedure. There are many more medications that can be used intravenously in order to achieve proper sedation. These medications can act synergistically to make sure your procedure is done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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