A dental bridge is a prosthetic porcelain based addition to your smile that has to be created by a skilled hand. If you have a space in your smile then you will normally need a dental bridge to "bridge" the gap. This will complete your smile and have your friends in envy. You will need your dental bridge to be crafted by your dentist in fashion that is very similar to a dental crown. It has to be crafted by a very skilled dentist who understands your smile and how to make a dental bridge fit perfectly. The dental bridge is the keystone to your smile and you want to make sure it is in good hands. Here at Adams Farm Dental we can make your smile the best smile it can be.
The dental bridge has to be created from scratch using quality materials and state of the art equipment. The dentist who creates your dental bridge has to treat his work like a sculptor treats a masterpiece. If the dental bridge is not done correctly then it can create sore areas in your mouth. This discomfort can cause problems later down the road if the dental bridge is not handled correctly. If you need experienced dentists to create your dental bridge today call us now (336) 294-0722.
A dental bridge is created by a very complicated process. Usually the dental bridge is created using local anesthetic at the beginning of the procedure. Our anesthetic wand can deliver local anesthesia effortlessly and painlessly, using a far more relaxing method than a conventional needle injection. Once numb then the procedure can begin the preparation process.
In order to complete the dental bridge it is necessary to prepare your smile for the dental bridge fitting process. The dental bridge will involve the tooth in front of the gap, and the tooth after the gap in order to properly fill the space. Both of these teeth will need to be prepared in order to anchor the prosthetic tooth the smile. A dental bridge is effectively two dental crowns and then a prosthetic tooth in the middle. The two dental crowns are used to anchor the prosthetic tooth in the middle.
The dentist will start by filing and drilling down the two teeth in front and back of the gap. These will be the two teeth that will be prepared for dental crowns. The dentist will make assessments about your smile to make sure that the perfect amount of enamel is removed from these teeth. The margins on the dental crowns will need to be as precise as possible and this preparation process makes all of the difference. If your dental crown is not prepared correctly there is a chance there could be sore spots in your mouth as a result of unwanted friction.
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5710 W Gate City Blvd, Ste R
Greensboro, NC