A woman wearing glasses and a blue shirt is smiling.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are typically used in order to create your ideal image.  We can create your dental veneers using our state of the art technology. We have access to the right materials and equipment to make your smile the talk of the town.  The dental veneer is similar to many other types of veneers in that it is supposed to fit over your teeth to hide blemishes and other inherent issues with your smile. Our dentists are adept at using their dental equipment to file down the blemishes on your teeth and create the perfect surface on which your dental veneers can fit.  We are adept as well at dental veneer creation and we can use our dental staff and laboratories to make sure that your dental veneer comes out picture perfect. To get the perfect dental veneer it is necessary to go to the perfect dental office.

Dental Veneers

What is a dental veneer?

A veneer is something that fits over a surface to make an object appeasing to the eye. Veneers can be used for tables and for doors. You can fit an oak veneer on top of plywood in order to make a table seem like it is made of oak completely.  The same concept applies to the dental veneer. We are able to make your veneers so that your smile is white, bright, straight, and picture perfect.  We want you to have the best smile you can have because a better smile leads to a better life. The dental veneer will need to be fitted over your current smile so that you can have the perfect smile that you have always wanted.

How is a dental veneer made?

A dental veneer is made by a skilled dentist who is able to visualize exactly how your teeth should look. He is then able to prepare the front of your teeth so that they will be the most accommodating for your dental veneer. First the dentist must prepare your front teeth by filing them down with dental equipment. Then he must take an impression of your teeth as they are when filed down.  He takes the impression and makes the dental veneer out of this impression.  The dental veneer can be made out of many materials, but here at Adams Farm Family Dental we make our dental veneers out of the best material. The dental veneer must then be fitted in your mouth and care is taken to make sure the dental veneer fits correctly within your mouth.  Once the dental veneer has been fitted into your mouth it needs to be cemented in place so that it can be a permanent accessory to your smile.

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